The average time it takes for hair to grow 5 to 6 inches is a year and this is no different for children. Babies lose all the hair they are born with within six months, after this, the hair they grow is of a different texture. Now, how quickly it takes for this hair to grow back can take a little time or a lot of time.  For a lot of people, hair growth is a very long process that relies on a lot of factors to be successful. Today, we’ll be going through a few tips on hair growth for children.

Everything you need to know about hair growth for children

Gut health. One difficult thing about raising children in general is monitoring how much vitamins they are taking in. If your child’s hair is not growing or is experiencing very bad hair loss, the first thing you need to address is whether they are getting a balanced diet. Help your baby’s hair grow from the inside out by incorporating healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids and other trans and saturated fats that you would find in fish, avocados and eggs. Also incorporating vitamins  A, B, C and E are amazing with stimulating sebum production and strengthening the hair  to help hair growth. If you find that your baby has difficulty absorbing these nutrients because of several reasons, then you should consult a doctor for expert advice and probably a prescription of probiotics and supplements that may help solve this problem. 

Know your child’s hair porosity. As we said a few weeks ago, hair porosity is a must know tip to master hair growth. Knowing your child’s hair porosity will help you understand how often to wash, what methods you should use when caring for their hair and even the kinds of products you should be using for their hair.

Avoid tight hairstyles. You never want your baby’s hairstyle to be too tight. Their scalp is still very sensitive so you would not want to introduce any hairstyles that seem too tight on their scalp. For example, I think rubber band hairstyles on children are the cutest but sometimes, if done too often, you might be damaging your child’s scalp. This is why we recommend protective hairstyles. Protective hairstyles are our favourite thing to talk about on our channel especially for children because it’s a relief for both you and your child. Children can be quite fussy with getting their hair done and protective staples help to stretch how often they have to get their hair done. Protective hairstyles have countless benefits that we talk about a lot on the channel, from retaining length to reducing the amount of manipulation on your hair. These benefits are especially helpful if you’re trying to grow your child’s hair.

Don’t be scared to trim. A lot of us are scared to use the scissors for this tiny thing. Trimming your child’s hair regularly will limit the amount of split ends they have. This means that they will not experience unnecessary breakage and their hair will grow thicker. 

Be gentle. When washing, detangling and caring for your baby’s hair, try to be as gentle as possible. Children have very delicate and tender scalp so any aggression, over manipulation or exposure to harsh chemicals can cause their hair to become damaged. Use good quality hair products, wide tooth combs and clean brushes to detangle and smooth out the hair and gently care for their hair. In this way, you’ll also be teaching them that taking care of their hair is not a chore, it’s a part of important self care. 

I think it’s important for us to remember that caring for your child’s hair is not only for the length or health of their hair. It’s a step towards making them understand that their hair deserves tenderness, love and care. It is erasing the idea that because they have a certain texture of hair, they should feel the need to change it or not place any value to eat. At the end of the day, all black hair is beautiful and it is our job as parents and caretakers of these children not only to teach this but to show it with how we take care of their hair.